Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Two Updates

I got a call from Uncle Lee Roy and Grandma's death is imminent. I will keep you posted about when we're going down.

On a lighter note. Annie got her first haircut and she looks like a pencil. She is the skinniest thing I've ever seen. She definitely has the body of a poodle. She isn't embarrassed like Penny used to be.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Sorry that I haven't blogged in a long time. My fans have been asking me why I don't blog anymore. It's probably that I've been working nonstop ever since we got back from Tennessee.

Grandma seems to be a little bit better. They are thinking he might be strong enough to go to the nursing home. It is definitely due to Uncle LeeRoy's good care of her. Poor guy. He hasn't had decent sleep in weeks.

Kara came over last night and is staying for a couple of days. That's so nice. I had just said to Jae I hadn't heard from her in awhile.

I've got to get to work, so I'll write later.


Thursday, September 18, 2008

A New Program

I got a new program yesterday. This should be a fun thing for me. I have a job that is to transcribe some films made by Esteban. So I can put the film file into the program and control the movement of the film with a foot pedal. How cool. Now if you need to know the entire script of Pride and Prejudice, we can transcribe it while watching the movie.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Yesterday I was finally feeling well and recovered from my cold. It was so cold at the Kingdom Hall that my hair was standing up on my arms. I came home chilled to the bone and now my cold is back. I must take a blanket to the meetings.

Work has been heavy but not stessful.

This week our famiy passed a milestone with Bobby's birthday.


Friday, September 12, 2008

Sick, Sick Sick.

I woke up with a bad cold. Everybody here had the cold and I wondered why I didn't have it -- now I know. I had it.

Today I have to work, as usual, but I don't think i'm going to do much.


Thursday, September 11, 2008

I'm Back

Ok, here I am again. I'm going to give this another try.

Joellyn, please, please help me to get that huge picture off and make something smaller.

Yesterday Annie had a little accident and got a pretty big cut in her chest. She had to go to the doggie doctor to have it glued shut. What an experience. The cut hardly bled but it was all the way through to her muscle. I was prepared for a huge bill, but it only cost $85. She's fine now.

My work has picked up so much. I could work every day if I wanted to.

The Circuit Overseer is here this week and he is so inspiring. I love his talks.

Dylan and Tyler have started school. I think Joe really picked out a good school for them.

I'll write tomorrow.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Going to Cheryl's

Here it is that days have gone by and Joellyn reminded me that I forgot to write something on the blog -- no, that's not true at all -- I forgot I had a blog.

Today Dylan Addison, Annie and I are driving to Cheryl's for a visit. Hopefully no one will throw up on the way (especially Annie). I am going to love driving there so much more because now I have the GPS. It doesn't have Cheryl's address in the map, but it gets to the gas station on 50 and I know how to get there from the gas station (except for Cheryl's house, because I forget what her mailbox looks like). Anyway, I think once I get to Cheryl's I can make it save the map for the next time.